FEMA IT Strategy

Strategic Planning for Lasting IT Strategy at FEMA


  • Strategic Plan Development: WBD identified three strategic goals that we implemented within the FEMA IT Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2020-2024, including increasing workforce capabilities, protecting the enterprise and finally simplifying processes across the agency.
  • Strategic Implementation Plan: To accompany the FEMA IT Strategic Plan, WBD also created the Strategic Implementation Plan which serves as guide to making the strategic goals a reality. Each strategic goal has specific objectives and initiatives that clearly define success through metrics and timeframes.
  • Risk Management: By implementing closed loop management, FEMA OCIO is better equipped to manage both risk and value. Risks are identified through surveys, economic trends, and processes by people of all levels within FEMA. Risks then are evaluated based on impact to the enterprise and likelihood of the risk occurring.  In addition to risk management, the implementation of value management improves the transparency of information technology costs, consumption and performance.
  • Technology Business Management Framework: By implementing Technology Business Management (TBM) framework into FEMA business processes, all stakeholders gain better understanding of the   different IT services and products offered.  Implementation of this standard taxonomy ultimately provides FEMA with a universal way to benchmark costs and to accurately analyze IT data.